Monday, April 9, 2018


Current Weight: 257.6 lbs
Total Lost: 29.1 lbs

We ate HORRIBLY this weekend. I planned on being good, but that apparently doesn't seem to want to happen on weekends. I did really well all last week. I even got up Saturday morning and put Lemon Thyme Chicken in the Crock Pot for dinner. I had my sausage and hard boiled eggs for breakfast! And then....lunch at Subway with the small child. Sigh. Its my own fault. I know that. She had been begging for Subway for a good week at that point, and we were out running around anyway. So, I had a chicken bacon ranch 6 inch sub with lettuce, onions, pickles and ranch dressing. I'm not even mad. That thing was DELICIOUS!

After that we headed to BAM! to get Gwen a book light and then over to Sally's for a new hair color for her as well. She picked Wildfire Red this time!

She is loving the red! I am too! Its bright and funky! Just like her!

When we got back in the car it was April...we are all over it. So...we headed to Coldstone for ice cream! I told you we ate horribly this weekend! By the time we got home, none of us were hungry. I packed up the chicken for lunch for Sunday.

Sunday morning I got up and cooked for the majority of the morning. I got Will's egg bake and sweet potato/ground beef made for breakfast all this week. I got my sausage made as well. So breakfast for the whole rest of the week is done! Yay!

We did NOT have that left over chicken for lunch...or even dinner on Sunday. A commercial came on for pizza and both Gwen and Will were entranced. It was no use saying no. We had the points for a free large pizza and had totally screwed up the day before. So, Pizza it was. We finished it off for dinner last night too. My tummy was NOT pleased with me. AT ALL!

I made Loaded Sweet Potato Sliders, along with lots of other food, for dinner last week. They were wonderful!

Will asked to have them again this week, but instead of them being sliders they will just be taco flavored ground beef over sweet potatoes. I ended up chopping up mine anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

Will introduced me to a program called Trello and I might be in love with it.

I can keep all of my recipe ingredients on here and make a sort of menu for the week. Will and I both have access so he can see what his options are if I ask him what he wants for dinner that night. Or, he can see what I have planned for dinner that night. The main bank has all of my recipes for dinners. The next row over is what I have planned for this particular week. Basically, these are the dinners I grocery shopped for on Saturday. The next row is what is for dinner that night and after that is the row that cards go into after being used. Each meal is color coded by meat and whether it is a crock pot meal or a soup. I'm pretty excited about this program. Its especially helpful if I am at the store and they don't have something I had planned to buy which means I have to pick another dinner for the week. Boom! All my recipes right there! LOVE!!

You can use Trello for anything really. Its a great tool for any type of list!!!

I talked Will into doing a jump rope challenge with me starting today. I don't think he is super excited about it, but he has kind of hit a plateau and he is NOT happy about it. I'm just hoping I don't die.

I think that's all for this week! I am .9 lbs away from my goal of 256.7 and 30 lbs by the end of the month. I'm pretty sure I've got this one in the bag!

Have a great week everyone!!

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