Friday, July 17, 2020

Week 7 - Am I A Masochist?

Masochist: Adjective:  enjoying an activity that appears to be painful or tedious.

Current Weight: 290.8
Weight Loss: .5
Total Loss: 6.7

7/9 - 291.3  
7/10 - 291.3  Same
7/11 - 289.5  down 1.8
7/12 - 289.8  up 0.3
7/13 - 292.3  up 2.5
7/14 - 292.7  up 0.4
7/15 - 291.0  down 1.7
7/16 - 292.9  up 1.9
7/17 - 290.8  down 2.1

Have you ever felt like NOTHING you do is right? You eat what you are supposed too and your body gives you a big old EFF YOU! You try to make changes and it all just blows up in your face. Yeah, that has been this week. 

I had/have decided to try out 310 Nutrition. And all in all, I really like it. The shakes are delicious and don't give me that weird rush of energy that makes me want to vomit. They keep me pretty full and are super easy to make. My downfalls have been with dinner. We eat dinner rather late and normally its something carb heavy. I know, I know. Bad Erin. But, But, POTATOES! I digress! I have always kind of wondered if maybe I shouldn't "eat" dinners. I'm beginning to think that's the way to go. So what I think I am going to do is do a shake in the morning with fruits, a decent lunch and then a shake with a salad for dinner. Lets try that for the next week and see how that goes. Now I just have to keep Almond Milk in the house to be able to do so - I am looking at you HUSBAND! 😋😋

Now we are gonna get down to the Masochistic part of this. My husband has told me more then a few times over the 19 years we have been together that I have a pretty decent masochistic streak in me. For instance, if I am sitting on the couch doing nothing I will absently pull my toenail out. You read that correctly. O-U-T, Out. No clue why I do it, but I do it all the damn time. Which is part of why I never go get my toenails done...or lack there of. I will pick a scab even if it hurts enough to make me cry. I will "ignore" my pain to the point of being physically sick - I don't think this one is a masochistic tendency, I think I'm just an idiot on this one. I will legit be doing something to make my own self bleed profusely and not even freaking realize it. He legit has to physically stop me from doing whatever the heck I happen to be doing at that moment. I don't know why I am this way, I just am. Which leads me to this: 

Apparently, the need to legit maim myself is real at this point. So, why not just go all out and just do it. I have watched the videos and I know for a fact there is no way in hell I will be able to do a lot of those moves the first, second or even fifth time I do this workout. She offers really good low impact options for a lot of the moves and I am actually kind of excited to challenge myself on this. William has said he will do the challenge with me. Lisa said she will too! (Ha! Now you have to!) And even Denise said she may do it as well. This challenge looks hard as hell but we all know I enjoy a good challenge! Is my back going to let me do all of these moves, NOPE. Will attempting to do them kill me, NOPE. Will attempting to do this make me stronger mentally, physically and emotionally - I think so! 

So this is it. We start on Sunday! Who is in? Who is gonna ride this train with us?! Its going to be hard and painful but I really think its going to be so worth it. 

Right now, I need to prove to myself that I CAN do it. And not just with the workout. With everything. I can and I will! 

Who is with me!? 

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