Thursday, March 1, 2018


Starting Weight - 286.7 lbs
Current Weight - 265.0 lbs
Total Lost - 21.7 lbs

Before I go any further - I have hit a slight snag. Since mid last week, I have been having some pain in my stomach and found myself in the bathroom quite a bit. I sort of figured it was due to stress and brushed it off. By the weekend, my stomach pain was joined with a nasty headache. Again, thinking it was stress, I took some Tylenol and went on about my way. I had things to do! I didn't have time for this nonsense.

Enter Monday. By the time I was on my way home Monday evening I could barely keep my eyes open. My head was pounding. My stomach felt like I was being stabbed. I fell asleep twice on the drive home before calling my husband and asking him to keep me awake. I honestly don't remember much after getting home that evening.

Tuesday was...well. The headache was still hanging in there. My stomach had calmed a bit. So off to work I went. I got to work and had breakfast as usual. The pain in my stomach was back and the headache was full force. This time however, there was now pain in my shoulder blades. Again, I'm trying to brush this off and blamed stress. After lunch, I couldn't bare it any more. I finished what I needed to do at work and headed to Patient First.

Side note - I was super happy on Tuesday because I got to wear a shirt that had been a bit too tight on my arm for the first time in a while. I thought I looked pretty good in it. Good enough to take a picture!

It has pockets!!!! :)

Anyway, I went over to Patient First. The doctor checked me over and told me point blank that there is a big neon sign pointing at my gall bladder. Awesome. She highly suggested I make a trip to the ER. Even more awesome. So, to the ER I went. Because sometimes, I follow directions.

The ER sent me directly back for an ultrasound and then put me in a room. Will and Gwen met me at the hospital. The Dr. checked over the ultrasound and said that he couldn't see any stones or inflammation but he wanted some additional blood work. After he checked me over, he agreed that the signs point to my GB. He point blank asked me if I have a surgeon. My thought in my head was to respond with "I don't carry one around with me, so no." but I refrained. He called a surgeon himself and spoke with him about what he saw/didn't see and the surgeon asked to see me the next day. The blood work all came back normal so I got to go home...and have dinner...

Bouillon Cube Dinner - YUM!

Honestly, I'm not even mad about the broth! It was delicious! Wednesday I went to see the surgeon. He agreed it was more then likely my GB and gave me a referral to get a HIDA scan done. The earliest I could get it scheduled for is Monday, the 5th. Once I get the scan done, I have to go back to see the surgeon for the results. If the results come back that it isn't my GB, then I have to see a gastroenterologist. I was able to eat some noodles on Wednesday for lunch and even had some of my egg roll in a bowl Wednesday night for dinner.

I tried to eat my breakfast this morning and it just made me nauseous. I opted for some grapes and ginger ale. Yes, I know ginger ale isn't compliant, but I'm fairly certain I have a pass at the moment. I am trying to stick closely to the diet though.

My headache today is still hanging out with me. The nausea seems to be minimal as long as I am not in the car. Not sure what about the car makes me so nauseous but I don't like it. The ginger ale helps though.

I was able to get Gwen to take my monthly pictures this morning. Lets see how we did!

1/31/18 Back                                     3/1/18 Back

1/31/18 Front                                3/1/18 Front

1/31/18 Left                                  3/1/18 Left

1/31/18 Right                               3/1/18 Right

Not a HUGE difference, but a difference indeed! I cant wait to see the difference in another month! Especially if I'm down to eating grapes, banana's and broth! LOL! (kidding)

Since I didn't hit my goal of 259.9 lbs by 2/28, I am keeping that goal. 259.9 by 3/31! I am CERTAIN I can do that, and MORE!

My amazing husband, I need to get him to give me pictures of himself, has lost 37 lbs! He looks amazing!

I will leave you guys with a daily dose of cuteness!

That is the craziest looking guinea pig I have ever seen! 

Have a great weekend everyone! See you Monday!

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