Monday, February 26, 2018

R2:D26 - I Cheated

Current Weight: 265.4 lbs   Total Lost: 21.3 lbs

So here's the deal. I cheated. Bad. Sigh.

This past weekend was great and hard at the same time. Saturday was the Tastefully Simple party. I love their stuff and lots of it is compliant! Total plus! I use a lot of their spices and such for meals. They are yummy and you don't have to use a whole lot to get big flavor!

Saturday morning I was up and out of the house by 8:30 am. The fog was ridiculous, so I pushed the picture appointment back an hour or so hoping it would lighten up. It didn't. So Chi and I went to the store and then over the picture appointment. On the way back to the house Chi asked me if she could put her window down. Sure. Go for it. From the backseat I hear "I CAN BARELY KEEP MY EYES OPEN!!!!" I look in the side mirror to see this....

This kid!

So once we got home and got the groceries put away I started making the dips and such for the party. Will was nice enough to do the cleaning for me that morning so I didn't have to stress as much. We partied from 2 pm until about 5:30 or 6:00. We had such a great time. Coleslaw got to meet some new friends and enjoyed being cuddled by Grand MaMa some of the afternoon. Will hid in his room and worked until I went back and told him to come grab something to eat. Gwen had tons of friends to play with so we didn't see much of any of the kids until later in the evening. It was a great day with great friends and great food.

Savory Tastefully Simple Chicken with Broccoli. COMPLIANT and DELICIOUS! 

Olaf was pooped after the party! Eating chicken tacos and getting loved on is hard work! 

Sunday I weighed in.... -1.5 lbs. Don't ask because I have no clue how I managed that! Mom and I were road tripping to VA on Sunday so I was up about 6:30 am to try to get everything done. Dinner went into the crock pot, Breakfast for that morning was made, Breakfast for the week was made, Laundry was done and Dishes were done. Not a bad morning!

By the time Mom and I were headed home yesterday at 6:30 pm, all either of us had had for food that day was breakfast and then a banana around 11:30 am. We were starving. And because we were starving we went to the most NON COMPLIANT place on the planet - Cracker Barrel. I'm not mad...or ashamed. I totally own the fact that I ate Country Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans and Coleslaw. I had a Mocha Latte too...cause I was freezing and my eyes were having trouble staying open. And then...we ordered desert. We left feeling bloated and gross, but the food was good and now I know not to do that ever again. Gracious!

My weigh in this morning put me back to Saturday morning. I gained back that 1.5 lbs and I'm not even mad about it. I knew what I was doing and made a conscious choice to cheat and go off the Whole 30 plan. I wont beat myself up about it. I cheated. I own it. I'm moving on.

This morning I am back on track. Ground beef and sweet potatoes for breakfast. A banana for a snack. Roast for lunch. Pineapples and Grapes for the ride home. I got this!

See you all on Wednesday!!!! End of the month picture day!

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