Wednesday, February 14, 2018


269.4  Total Lost - 17.3 lbs

You Guys! I did it! I broke that 270 mark that has been the bane of my existence for the past week and a half! Yay! I'm so excited!

I have a Garmin Vivofit that I use to help me get my exercise in. Each day that I reach my step goal, it automatically moves the goal up for the next day. I was on a pretty good roll on meeting my step goal every day until the other night. My husband has shared his cold with me and I just couldn't care enough to get on the treadmill for another 2500 steps. There went my 13 day streak! Oh well. Today's goal is 8359...and of course I couldn't get out of bed this morning to do my normal 1 mile on the treadmill! Ugh.

I ordered the stuff to build Coleslaw a new cage! I'm super excited! He is going to have so much more room to run around in and I get to rearrange a few things in the living room so it all fits and looks nice. I have a thing about rearranging rooms every so often. My daughters room is the main culprit. I normally go in and clean/reorganize/move stuff at least once a month. I haven't touched her room in a few months, which is a huge feat for me, so you all must see whats coming....

My daughter is not good at organizing. In general. Not just organizing toys or colors or things. In general, she sucks at organizing. I have been wracking my brains on how to help her with this. I get that she is 8, but if we are being totally honest drives me nuts. I know its a me problem, I get it. However, it is also effecting her school work. Some of the things she gets graded on in school is you guys can guess how awesome those scores are! So, I think I have finally come up with an idea on how to make her WANT to become more organized. I am going to offer for her to redo her room her way. She can put her bed, dresser, toy chests, desk, etc. wherever she feels she would like it. This will be a pretty big deal for both of us. I am a control freak perfectionist and she is 8 - I'm in for lots of hyperventilating during this process. To be continued.

I haven't done much in the way of fancy dinners or anything this week. I made Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs last night with a side of marinara sauce. Delicious!

The last time I made the meatballs they were a bit to spicy, so this time I left out the paprika. They turned out really good. 

This evening is Egg Roll in a Bowl for dinner. My husband is very excited for this! Its def our favorite meal so far. What are some of your favorite recipes? 

I hope everyone has a great rest of your week! See you all on Friday! 

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