Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Current: 266.5 lbs   Total Lost: 20.2 lbs    😁

I am terribly sorry for not updating until now! I told you guys I suck at this! Lets see how much I can actually remember from last week.

My husband gave me his cold. It kicked my butt the entire week! Wednesday was when I really started to feel terrible though. By Friday, I was pretty much toast. I slept through all of my alarms and had to call my poor daycare lady and ask her to grab Gwen on her way out to take the kids to school that morning.

Gwen and Olaf waiting for Miss Janie

Friday afternoon when I got home I started building Coleslaw's new cage. He is a big pig and really needed a much larger cage then what he was in. I ordered a new C&C cage for him and ordered a separate cubby system for storage below the cage. I thought I was being smart ordering a much cheaper system to build the underneath storage from! Yeah....I should have spent the extra money! I ended up having to rebuild the storage space the next morning after I built the actual cage and found out that it was 1 inch smaller on two sides then the actual cage was. Which meant I had overhangs on two sides. So I zip tied some extra grids on those two sides and put cardboard under the cage on one side. What can I say....I didn't have duct tape! :) Gwen had two of her friends over for the weekend so I had to stop building mid cage and go get the girls. I did get it finished later Saturday afternoon tho!



I ended up rearranging the living room a bit too and it looks so nice! I'm really happy with how it turned out! Now I need to start working on the front room! And then Gwen's room!

Friday evening Will took over the cooking so I could manage the pig cage. He made us a Shrimp Boil. So Good! Sausage, Shrimp, Mushrooms, Sweet Taters and Red Skin Taters!

So Saturday was spent building a cage, cleaning the living room and hiding from 3 girls who forced me to drink water while they ate their McDonald's chicken nuggets and french fries. We were supposed to go to dinner at Bob Evans for my Grandmothers birthday Saturday evening but the weather was pretty nasty. So it was decided not to take her out in that mess. Which meant now I had to figure out dinner. Side note: at this point, I had not had breakfast or lunch and the only thing on my stomach was a banana. I was HANGRY. And then, my poor unsuspecting husband reached into the fridge to have a Kombucha. I almost punched him. It then dawned on both of us that I had not had my Kombucha that day either. He handed me a Trilogy and I was much happier! We then ordered Chinese food. Go big or go home! And we were already home so yeah...we went big. We ordered as close to healthy as we could and moved on. I blew up the air mattresses in the living room and let the girls camp out in there for the night. I checked on them at around 10:30 pm and they were all snoring.

Sunday - The girls were up before the sun was. Will and I tried to ignore the mass giggling coming from the living room. We got up around 7 am. I made pork sausage, eggs and bacon for breakfast. The pork sausage turned out delicious!!!! I will be making it again!

Sunday was also our shopping day this weekend because Saturday was NUTS! So my Mom, myself and 3 8-9 year olds went to the grocery store. Yes...I am brave....or stupid. LOL. They weren't terrible and we got it all done. I had the girls bring in the groceries and then gave them lunch and threw them outside! It was decent outside! They can go scream outside! I took the girls home around 6 pm.

Sunday night we had stew beef with a broccoli stir fry over mashed taters. Good Lord that was good! Especially for something I literally just threw in the crock pot! Sorry no pictures! We were all starving!

Monday was a typical Monday. I tried to get on here and write my post and I failed. Sigh. Last night we had lettuce wrapped sweet potato burgers. So good!

I can not begin to tell you how much I really am enjoying all the amazing food we get to eat! Do I sometimes watch the food network and think "My God that looks good!", sure I do. But here lately, I find myself thinking "Wow that looks good. I wonder if I can tweak that to make it compliant!" I am certainly starting to find that losing weight is a whole lot of mind over matter. Will power is a huge thing! You have to mentally want this or it just wont work.

I probably wont update again until Friday at this point, so I will see you guys then! Have a great week!

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