Saturday, February 3, 2018


272.2 = -.9

I know...I missed yesterday! I am terribly sorry! Remember...terrible at blogging!!! LOL! But don't worry! I'm going to make that up to you right now!

So on D1 I mentioned that we were gonna have Egg Roll in a Bowl for dinner. Feast your eyes on THIS!

A little EV Olive Oil warming in my amazing cast iron skillets. I make two batches of this stuff. This way, the hubby can have seconds AND we both get lunch the next day. 

Chopped green onions, red onion and a crap load of garlic! YUM!! 

Whole30 Holy Grail - Coconut Aminos (THANK YOU LAUREN!)

You guys should smell my house at this point! 

I use the bagged 3 Color Coleslaw Mix. Its delicious and cooks really well with the meat and veggies!

Instead of making the sauce this recipe calls for, the Primal Kitchen Mayo pictured below is an easy substitute with an amazing taste! 


"Mom! Can't you see that I am STARVING! Wasting away to NOTHING! Someone feed me!!!!!"
Sir Olaf thinks he should be fed at dinner time as well. Elsa normally does too, but he has become obnoxious about it. 

Last night for dinner we have handmade hamburgers with Sweet Potato buns. This is also one of our favorites. I had never made the hamburger myself until last night. We always just buy the hamburgers and bake them up. But I had some ground beef left over (that almost never happens) so I made them myself. A little garlic powder, salt, pepper and ground mustard and we were good to go! They were super yummy too! 

My Denise and kids came to visit last night and meet Mrs. Pig. I'm pretty sure DJ is smitten with her. :) I was cooking while they were here so I didn't get pictures but I'm fairly certain everyone enjoyed it. Denise even cuddled with her a bit. Held a whole conversation with her too! 

Breakfast this morning was scrambled chili eggs with Crispy Garlic Roasted Potatoes. I am in love with these potatoes! They are pretty amazing! I sort of figure since potatoes don't like me much, or maybe they like me a little too much, that having them with breakfast, if I am going to have them at all, is the best time to have them. That way they aren't just sitting there....plotting against me. I will be up and going for the rest of the day, so that's a win win. 

I have a bunch of running to do today. Saturdays are grocery days with my Mama along with everything else we can fit in there. Gwen's friend Tamia wants her to come spend the night tonight so I have to get a hold of them to see about when they want me to drop her off. I may not be back until Monday at this point. Tomorrow is my cooking day and I am sure Will wants to do some running tomorrow as well. 

See you guys on Monday!! Have a great weekend!! 

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