Friday, February 23, 2018


Current Weight: 265.5 lbs   Total Lost: 21.2 lbs

Well Hello There 265! It is so nice to see you!

You guys...I am digging this whole weight loss thing right now! I feel incredibly good and my clothes are fitting better! I am loving the non-scale victories I am having as well! Here is one that I am stupid excited about!

In my car, before I started the Whole 30 in January, my stomach rested just at the back of my thumb when I had my hand on the steering wheel. I could literally touch my stomach just by moving my thumb a fraction of an inch. Now...Check THIS out!

I know it might sound stupid but this makes me so incredibly happy!!!!!!!!! It also makes me feel like I am doing something right and need to continue! There are definitely days that I look in the mirror and still see the 286.7 lb me. The me that was bloated and swollen. The me that was miserable. Things like the picture above happen and I can finally see progress other then the numbers on the scale! Its an amazing feeling!

I've cooked some pretty good meals this week too!

Sloppy Joe Baked Potatoes and Broccoli

Lemon Thyme Chicken and Green Beans

Shrimp, Sausage and Ground Beef with Cauliflower/Sweet Potato Rice

I am absolutely loving all the amazing food we get to eat! Sure there are times where I feel the need for chocolate. But those moments are farther and farther apart then they used to be. 

This week has been a bit rough mentally and emotionally for me. I can't really go into it, but my heart hurts and I feel completely out of control of the situation. I'm really quite surprised that I haven't completely blown this week off and eaten all the McDonald's and Chinese food I could find. 

On that same note, I am incredibly proud of my Mom! She is really sticking to this program and LOVING it! She is down 15 lbs! For her first round of W30 that's pretty damn good! Just about every morning/night I get text pictures of what she is eating. Even the men in her house, and there are 3 of them, are over the moon for 95% of her meals! Now I just gotta get her walking and the weight will be flying off of her! 

Mom and I are taking a road trip for a few hours on Sunday. Hopefully we can continue to make good choices in our food selection. 

Tomorrow, Saturday, I am having a Tastefully Simple party at my house. Things have been so crazy that I have done NO cleaning of my house currently. So tonight will be clean like you have never cleaned before! Tomorrow morning I have to go take a few outside pictures. Then I have to meet Mom to go to the grocery. Then its home to prep for the party. Its going to be a really busy next few days. 

Last night, as I was trying to eat my Shrimp/Sausage dinner, this happened. 

She was forelorned because I wouldn't give her any of my shrimp. Therefore, I was not allowed to eat my dinner. I caved and finally gave her a piece of shrimp. Olaf too. He was kung foo kitty at my feet! I'm not sure how we managed to end up with these two goofballs, Elsa and Olaf, but I certainly am glad that we did. They chose us honestly. I will have to do a post about them at some point. Elsa is like my shadow and I wouldn't have it any other way! 

Well, its off to work I go! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! 


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